Entering the Hall to Speak Dharma

Issue 284

Entering the Hall to Speak Dharma

Composed by Venerable Master Hsuan Hua

Dharma-protecting laypeople, when you break through ignorance and cut off afflictions,
the Prajna-wisdom of True Appearance will manifest. Ignorance is not understanding and being muddled.
Due to not understanding, you do upside-down things. Being upside-down,
you lead a befuddled life and transmigrate in the six paths, never able to escape.
Dharma-protecting laypeople, do your best and courageously advance with diligence towards Buddhahood.
When the flower unfolds, you will see the Buddha and realize the patience of non-birth. As said:
I vow to be born in the western Pure Land, with lotuses of superior grade as my parents.
When the flower unfolds, I shall see the Buddha and enlighten to non-birth.
I will be in the company of irreversible Bodhisattvas.