(Continued from issue #273)
Instructional Talk by Dharma Master Heng Shr on November 26, 2016,
during Lunch at Gold Wheel Sagely Monastery Emperor Liang’s Jeweled Repentance Dharma Assembly
Venerable Master’s way place is the hope for all living beings; it’s the ship of mercy that will take us across the ocean of birth and death. Therefore we should protect the way place with great care, and support it with all our might. We should not do anything that may cause detriment to the way place for our own selfish reasons. If we did, it would be too late to even regret our actions. We should have a proper mindset to bring forth our proper energy. We have to invoke the blessings that enabled us to be followers of the Venerable Master to foster our ambition and resolve. We should not be useless or specious Buddhists. That will not help us get anywhere.
We will continue the talk tomorrow. We’ll start after everyone has finished lunch. We’ll rest a while after the meal and be energized with listening to my talk because it does seem to lift everyone’s spirit.
Just now, an event from the past came to my mind. One day during lunchtime at Long Beach Monastery, the Venerable Master seemed extremely pleased. He said to us disciples here and also from overseas, “Next year we’ll organize an even bigger dharma event at the place of ‘San Kwai Man Tou’ .” One of the shramanerikas from Malaysia pronounced ‘Sa-cra-men-to’ with an accent, sounding like “San Kwai Man Tou, which means ‘three pieces of steamed buns’ in Chinese”. That is the reason the Venerable Master referred Sacramento as “San Kwai Man Tou”. The Venerable Master is going to bring those disciples to Sacramento.
Why am I speaking of this? All things lie and wait for the right moment to flourish and prosper. The Venerable Master established and laid foundations for the way places. We disciples should follow closely and not get behind. What are we following behind? To cut the ribbon at the opening ceremony? No. We are there to work, to sweep the grounds, to guard the entrance, to patch the holes.
The Venerable Master said, “We should start a master plan.” One of the items on the master plan is to establish schools, starting with elementary school and gradually to middle school, at a steady and deliberate pace. Why do we need to implement education? The purpose of the Venerable Master’s schools is to educate “human kind”; to bring out and retain the moral integrity and the flavor all human beings should have; to conserve the nature of such human beings. Hence, education of the “human kind.”
Why do we need to protect and support the Triple Jewel? Protecting and supporting the Triple Jewel ensures uninterrupted continuity of the sangha. Without the sangha, who will perpetuate the teachings of the Buddha and the cultivation of the Way? Who will teach and transform the human kind? If the world does not have noble and righteous human beings like the sangha, the human kind would be without hope.
We mentioned about bringing forth the bodhi resolve. How are you going to bring forth the bodhi resolve? There are many ways, but every way entails the development of the human nature and cultivation of the buddha nature. This is the reason for establishing education at the City of Dharma Realm. Those of you who are fearless, come join us.
(The End of the Article)