Dharma Talks

Enduring Hardships and Adversities in This World, Developing Peace and Harmony from One’s Heart

Dharma Talks

(Continued from issue #286)

Instructional Talk by Dharma Master Heng Gwei on November 26, 2017,
during Lunch at Gold Wheel Sagely Monastery Emperor Liang’s Jeweled Repentance Dharma Assembly

In the Venerable Master’s instructional talk that we heard just now, he very clearly talked about cause and effect. Within the ten dharma realms, we have never been to the dharma realm of the buddhas and the bodhisattvas, or that of the four sagely realms. We have undergone transmigration in the six paths for countless lifetimes all because of our heavy karmic burden and confused emotions. Now that we understand this, we should apply real practice. First, do not get angry.

Second, do not engage in mood swings and temper tantrums. Do not cause trouble for others; and, do not be afraid of others giving us trouble. We should accept adversities pleasantly. Whatever issues come our way the issues are meant for us to face. Enduring suffering is ending suffering. Although the encounter is extremely miserable, once we bear through it, it is over. If we choose to avoid the encounter and flee, it is like owing a debt and not wanting to pay back. It will not end, but will haunt us endlessly. The Venerable Master’s discussion on cause and effect emphasizes on the principle “The ten dharma realms are not apart from a single thought of the mind.”

Grand Master Ou-Yi had made a commentary on the meaning of the Way. We say, “Study the buddharma and cultivate the Way.” The “Way” is the path that one threads from the point of cause to the point of effect, including everything that transpired in between. All these comprise the Way. Starting at the causal ground, we study buddhadharma and cultivate the Way in order to reap the bodhi fruit. All the encounters and tribulations that we went through contribute to our accomplishment. So, the Venerable Master said, “Nobody knows how to look for positivity from the opposite side. Everyone is very generous in giving others what one dislike.” What is it? It’s taking in aggravations. We cause other people aggravations, but we are unable to take in aggravations from others.

The Venerable Master said, “Being capable of enduring aggravations in the world, peace and harmony naturally spring forth from one’s heart.” Because we are not able to endure aggravations, there is no peace or harmony within our hearts. Oftentimes we carry a heavy burden in our hearts; but once we are able to endure past the aggravations, peace and harmony will spring in our hearts, and we will feel light-hearted. Having read the Venerable Master’s instructional talk on how to turn and transform our heavy karmic burden and confused emotions, the above pointers are the gist. Since we now know of this, have we put it into actual practice? This depends on the level of our sincerity. Those who are more sincere will quickly follow in practice. Those who are less sincere take longer toward following in practice, taking three steps forward and ten steps backward. That’s just the way it is. Amituofo.

(The End of the Article)